Aftercare instructions for all Skin with Naomi treatments.
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We know you want to make sure you see the best results possible, so please read the relevant aftercare instructions for your treatment. 


These aftercare instructions are vital to not only optimise your results, but also ensure your safety.


If there are any concerns post-treatment, especially with dermal filler, please contact Nurse Naomi or head to your local emergency department.

Anti-Wrinkle Aftercare

What to expect:


- Small bumps that should resolve within minutes of your treatment

- Bruising or redness at the site of injection

- Results will start to take effect within 2-3 days, with final onset occurring at 2 weeks

- A full 6-8 weeks is needed for masseter facial slimming results to be seen.


Post care instructions:


- Avoid touching or heavily massaging the area for 6 hours

- Avoid facial/beauty treatments for 12 days

- Avoid make up to the area for 12 hours

- Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours

- Avoid direct heat to the area including the sauna and the sun for 24 hours

- Avoid alcohol intake and smoking for 24 hours



*Please note a full 14 days is required before topping up with more anti-wrinkle. Requiring more than one treatment to get your dose right is common- especially if you are a first timer to anti-wrinkle or first time receiving treatment in our clinic!


Dermal Filler Aftercare

What to Expect: 


- Tenderness at treated site 

- Swelling that will subside within 24-72 hours 

- Lumps and bumps for 2 or so weeks as the filler integrates 

- Bruising for up to a week


Post Care Instructions:


- Avoid touching or heavily massaging the area unless advised to do so

- Avoid make up to the area for 24 hours

- Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours to 48 hours

- Avoid direct heat to the area including the sauna and the sun for 24 hours

- Avoid alcohol intake and smoking for 24 hours

- Apply Hirudoid cream for to any bruises to speed up healing (this can be bought at your local pharmacy)


Monitor for Complications: Your injector will discuss in depth with you- pain, changes in colour of skin, blanching (white spots/patches), mottling colour on skin.


JuvaSlim Aftercare

What to expect:


- Moderate to severe swelling for up to 7 days some cases mild swelling can last for 6 weeks
- Tenderness and sensitivity at site


Post care instructions:


- Massage gently after 8 hours, once the area feels less tender you are able to massage more firmly
- Avoid rubbing or touching the area immediately after treatment
- Avoid direct heat to the area
- Avoid not take ibuprofen however paracetamol is permitted if needed for any discomfort
- Avoid any laser or other skin treatments for 48 hours



PDO Aftercare

What to expect:


- Redness/ tenderness at site for the next 72 hours
- Swelling that can last for up to 72 hours
- Bruising for up to a week


Post care instructions:


- Avoid applying creams, serums, soaps or make up to treated area for 24 hours
- Avoid exercise for 48 hours 
- Avoid excessive heat exposure such as sauna or the sun for 72 hours
- If needed the area can be iced with a clean ice pack 
- Paracetmol is permitted for pain relief if needed 
- Avoid laser hair removal for 3 months 
- Avoid RF or skin tightening lasers for 6 months
- Avoid skin needling, dermal fillers or anti-wrinkle for 2-4 weeks


Lumps & Bumps may occur and look like a pimple or milia. No intervention is necessary this is a result of collagen encapsulating the thread. It will resolve on its own in 12 weeks.


Monitor for infection your injector will discuss in depth with you- redness, heat, excessive swelling, increasing pain



What to Expect:


- Redness/tenderness at treated site 
- Swelling that will subside within 24-72 hours 
- Lumps that will reduce within minutes of your treatment 
- Bruising for up to a week


Post care instructions:


- Avoid physical strain, headfirst movements and sports for 24 hours 
- Avoid cosmetic therapies for 48 hours 
- Avoid make up for 12 hours
- Avoid sauna, steam bath, ice temperatures or UV radiation by the sun or a solarium for two weeks
- Avoid dental procedures for 2 weeks after the treatment
- Avoid filler in the same area, microdermabrasion, chemical peel, IPL for 2 weeks


Skin Booster

What to Expect: 


- Swelling that will subside within 24-72 hours in some cases swelling can last for 1 week
- Lumps and bumps for up to 72 hours
- Bruising for up to a week


Post Care Instructions:


- Avoid touching or heavily massaging the area unless advised to do so
- Avoid make up to the area for 12 hours
- Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours
- Avoid direct heat to the area including the sauna and the sun for 24 hours
- Avoid alcohol intake and smoking for 24 hours
- Apply Hirudoid cream for to any bruises to speed up healing (this can be bought at your local pharmacy)


Nano Gold Stamp & Exomide Treatment

What to expect:


- Redness and tightness at treated area for the next 24 hours
- Sunburn like sensation that will subside within 12 hours 


Post care instructions:


- Avoid make up for 12 hours post treatment
- Avoid exercise for 24 hours 
- Avoid hot water to the area, tepid (room temp) is recommended
- Avoid any active skincare products, focus on hydration and soothing
- Avoid exfoliants - a gentle physical exfoliant can be used 5 days post treatment
- Avoid shaving, swimming, sauna or excessive perspiration for 24 hours
- Be gentle, do not scratch or pick at your skin - continue to use SPF 


SWN Facials 

What to expect:


- Glowing skin 
- Slight redness especially if any extractions were done
- Dehydration, from your lymphatic massage ensure you are drinking plenty of water


Post care instructions:


- Avoid rubbing or touching the face
- Avoid picking your skin, some breakouts are to be expected up to 2 weeks post treatment
- Avoid makeup minimum 6 hours
- Avoid direct heat to the face
- Avoid any laser or other skin treatments for 48hrs


Herbs2Peel Level 1: Beauty B Peel & Herbs2Peel Level 2: Phyto P Peel

What to expect:


- Glowing skin 
- Slight redness and prickling/itching sensation that will subside over 24 to 48 hours 
- Dehydration, from your lymphatic massage ensure you are drinking plenty of water
- This treatment will continue to work into the skin over 24hrs, you may feel tired, a bit run down and extra thirsty
- Breakouts/purging is normal please don't panic! The herbs are removing toxins in the skin and aiding in cellular turnover this can last for up to 2 weeks 
- You may feel your skin is dry in the few days following your treatment, this is normal hydrate skin accordingly with use of Dr Spiller skincare.
- Phyto Peel clients should expect a light shedding of skin over the next 3 to 7 days 


Post care instructions:


- Avoid rubbing, touching or picking the face
- Avoid makeup minimum 6 hours
- Avoid direct heat to the face
- Avoid sleeping on your back as the herbs will feel prickly on the skin
- Avoid any laser or other skin treatments for 48hrs
- Avoid wetting your face until the next morning (Herbal Phyto Peel) or for minimum of 5 hours (Herbal B Peel) 

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